““When you see these poor dogs and they are very close to dying, and you help them, and after you see them healthy and they run happy, and they come to you and give you so much love...it’s amazing feeling.””
Extended Stay Volunteering
Volunteers are integral to Takis Shelter’s operations. We now have on-site volunteer housing for up to three long-term volunteers and will be looking for qualified persons who will stay for more than 2-3 months.
Extended stay volunteers must stay overnight on the premises and not in the town, due to the gate schedule, intensive training required, and the animals’ needs.
In the future I will have more opportunities for short-stay volunteers. Please stay tuned for updates!
Current Openings
We are looking for one (1) long-term volunteer who specializes in cats. This person will stay on-site at the shelter in the cat area and help socialize the rescued cats to prepare them for adoption.
If you are interested, please click the button to apply.
To find out more about Takis Shelter or to follow his rescues, please visit Takis Shelter on Facebook.